A mobility scooter is a great tool for getting around, especially for those who have difficulty walking extended distances. The SmartScoot™ mobility scooter can be particularly handy for those with on-the-go lifestyles. However, with so many different types of mobility aids on the market, it can be hard to know if a mobility scooter is right for your needs.
Customers who get the most out of their mobility scooters use them to maintain or regain their active lifestyles. Living with limited mobility can make even the most simple tasks a challenge, like going to the grocery store or walking the dog. A little help from a scooter can often go a long way in helping you regain your independence. What’s more, mobility scooters are often portable. At only 40 lbs, SmartScoot™ was designed to be sleek and compact – making it easy for anyone to load and transport it in their car’s trunk. If needed, it can also be disassembled into its three parts in only seconds and reassembled just as fast.
Mobility scooters are especially useful for travelers. When exploring any new destination, it’s important to be able to get around safely and comfortably. Scooters ensure that you can both stay off your feet and enjoy your experience. The SmartScoot™ was specifically designed by travelers for travelers. This means that each scooter is FAA approved for air travel and complies with major airlines’ regulations for mobility aids. Additionally, with its adjustable wheelbase, SmartScoot™ mobility scooters easily navigate most major cruise lines and fit into standard stateroom doors. With SmartScoot™, you can make the most out of your travels and your mobility scooter.
While scooters are wonderful aids, they are designed for those individuals who do have some mobility. We recommend that users are able to stand and walk independently or with limited assistance. Further, like many other scooters, the SmartScoot™ requires you have sufficient hand strength to operate the throttle and brake. We also ask that you read and understand all SmartScoot™ reference materials, including the SmartScoot™ Users Instruction Manual and its Safety Instructions or equivalent document before using your mobility scooter. No license is required to navigate either the SmartScoot™ or most other scooters, but it is important to treat the machine as a motor vehicle.
To learn more about who mobility scooters are right for, check out our FAQ page. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us, or take the plunge and purchase your own SmartScoot™ at our online store!