Molly W. Leaves Rentals Behind For A SmartScoot Mobility Scooter

mobility scooter fits in trunk of car.

Molly W. Leaves Rentals Behind For A SmartScoot Mobility Scooter

SmartScoot™ mobility scooter is the best mobility solution when compared to other brands of mobility scooters. With adjustable wheel width and the ability to fold down, SmartScoot is an adaptable mobility scooter that can handle the rigorous daily duties of shopping for groceries or going to the mall as well as traveling the world by plane or cruise-ship.


Just wanted to tell you folks how pleased I am with my Smartscoot! I have severe RA and can’t lift heavy things, plus I can no longer walk for more than 10 minutes or so. I have been forced to rent scooters when I go to quilt expos, etc., and I hate rentals!  They are always the type meant for large people and no matter how cushiony the seats are, the scooters become uncomfortable after just a little while. The rental places will usually not adjust the scooters very much so I’m just out of luck. I read about your scooter, and saw excellent reviews and took a chance on ordering sight unseen. Wow! Best money I ever spent. I left the basket off because it makes it look too “scootery” (yes, I am self-conscious about having to use a scooter), and put a backpack on the seatback instead. I went to a big expo in Atlanta a few weeks ago with some friends. The friend who was driving did not mind putting the scooter in the trunk at all, as it folded up so small. I was able to easily get it in and out of the trunk myself, too. Riding around the expo for two days, I felt like a rock star! I got stopped constantly. Folks wanted to know, ” What is that thing?!? Where do I get one???” I actually demonstrated to several people how it folds up and how little the pieces weigh! I zoomed around that place and actually had fun riding it! I love how fast it is. (I did have to get used to the speed, though. I almost mowed down a few folks!) Your customer service is great, too. I pestered whomever was answering the chat box on your website with about a million questions before I bought my scooter! Anyway, love your product!

  • Molly W.

SmartScoot™ is a compact, folding scooter for people who have active lifestyles or simply want to be able to continue everyday activities that require mobility. Weighing in at 39 pounds, it quickly disassembles to three pieces (the heaviest piece weighs 27lbs). The SmartScoot™ leverages a 4lb lithium-ion battery which conveys up to 12 miles of battery range to SmartScoot™ foldable, mobile scooters while complying with FAA regulations for carry-on air travel.

Molly W. SmartScoot Mobility Scooter 04/09/2018